
Brief Introduction to The Bank


Name: Taishin International Bank

Date of establishment: Feb. 25, 1992

Date of inauguration: March 23, 1992


Name of responsible person:
Chairman: Tong-Liang Wu
President: Sharon Lin
Head of Trust Business: Chen Hsin Pei


Company History

In 1990, the current chairman, Thomas Wu, invited some of his closest friends and respected businessmen to join the effort of bringing the bank into reality. The bank was established in August 1991 with approval of the Ministry of Finance, and opened its door officially on March 23, 1992. A special shareholders meeting on December 7, 2001 passed a resolution to create "Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd." by share swap with "Dah An Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.". Meanwhile, new shares were issued as a result of the merger with "Dah An Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.". "Taishin Financial Holding Co., Ltd." was established officially on February 18, 2002.

The shareholders meeting on July 26, 2004 passed a resolution to assume all assets and liabilities of the "Tenth Credit Cooperative of Hsinchu". The legal proceedings were completed on October 18, 2004. In the interest of higher efficiency by integration of fund and resources among the subsidiaries of Taishin FHC, The merger of Taishin Bank into Taishin Bills Finance Corporation was completed on January 22, 2011. Both being subsidiaries of Taishin FHC, Taishin Bank and Taishin Bills Finance Corporation shared a very similar business philosophy and corporate culture. After the merger is completed, the two parties will be able to quickly integrate resources and systems for reduced cost and improved operating efficiency.

In terms of its business network, Taishin Bank is actively establishing branch offices in all major cities across the country. Meanwhile, to achieve financial globalization, Taishin Bank has created offshore banking units, as well as obtained the license for the Hong Kong Branch in February 2003. The Hong Kong Branch opened on June 25 of the same year. Taishin Bank received approval of the Ministry of Finance on September 21, 2004.Received approval from the State Bank of Vietnam to establish the representative office in Ho Chi Minh City on January 2005.The Singapore Branch was established on June 24, 2014. The Yangon Representative Office in Myanmar officially opened for business on January 21, 2016. The Tokyo Branch in Japan was established on October 27, 2016. Working with branches in two other financial hubs, Hong Kong and Singapore, this branch is able to provide Taiwanese businesses and customers from Greater China an operation and investment platform in Japan. The Brisbane Branch opened in Australia on July 31, 2017. It is Taishin Bank's fourth overseas branch after Hong Kong, Singapore, and Tokyo, Japan. The Shanghai representative office in China has opened in August 18, 2020, the Bangkok representative office in Thailand has opened in June 28, 2021, and the Malaysia Labuan Branch and Kuala Lumpur Marketing Office celebrated its grand opening in November 26, 2021.Taishin Bank obtained approval from the competent authorities in Taiwan and Japan to set up Fukuoka Office in 2023, which has been opened in April 2024. Taishin Bank will make other preparations in the future to expand the overseas network and give customers better and more comprehensive global banking services.